Operating System

RISC-V System Development

Provide system-level adaptation for new platforms and new architectures, comprehensive adaptation, and optimization from RTOS to Linux systems.

Include OpenHarmony,openEuler,openKylin,OpenCloudOS,Anolis OS,deepin,Zephyr,ThreadX, Nuttx,FreeRTOS,RT-Thread,Debain and customized versions of Android.

Board Support Package (BSP) Development

  • Provide package production services from bringup to BSP to generate a complete SDK
  • Provide proprietary driver development, driver customization and compatibility with upper-layer applications.
  • Provide multimedia framework development and support , and AI framework deployment.
  • Kernel and Driver Development

  • Maintenance of Linux/Android kernels and repair of downstream bugs.
  • Drive framework support and customized development.
  • Multimedia equipment support and optimization.
  • RTOS or Distro Integration

  • Support for board-level system adaptation, spanning from RTOS (e.g., Zephyr, ThreadX, NuttX, etc.) to distributions (e.g., Debian, openEuler).
  • System library adaptation and optimization, such as GPU adaptation.
  • Provide a good user experience
  • Performance Optimization

  • Provide system performance evaluation and optimization, customized benchmark targeted testing.
  • Provide kernel performance bottleneck analysis and resolution, and support kernel hot repair.
  • Provide performance analysis and optimization for system libraries, and adapt them for hardware acceleration.
  • Provide performance evaluation reports for the entire system.