Integrated Development Environments

Provide customized development from the underlying SDK to the upper-layer IDE development tools, build an easily deployable and user-friendly automated build platform.

Provide developers an integrated development environment with SDK and IDE based on Visual Studio Code (VSCode) or Eclipse.

Custom IDE Development

Proficiency in designing and developing IDEs customized for RISC-V chip development.
Tailoring IDE features to meet the specific requirements of RISC-V architectures.

User Interface Design

Creating intuitive and user-friendly interfaces within IDEs.
Enhancing the developer experience through well-designed UI elements.

Toolchain Integration

Seamless integration with RISC-V software toolchains, compilers, and simulators.
Providing a unified environment for development, compilation, and debugging.

RISC-V Architecture Support

Comprehensive support for different RISC-V architectures and configurations.
Ensuring compatibility with various RISC-V instruction set extensions.

Real-Time Debugging Features:

Implementation of real-time debugging features within the IDE.
Supporting efficient debugging of RISC-V applications during development.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

Ensuring that the IDE is compatible with different operating systems.
Supporting cross-platform development for flexibility in various environments.